Indigo Inkjet Photo Canvas Bright White

Indigo Inkjet Photo Canvas Bright White

A single side coated bright white canvas for high quality graphic art applications. Suitable for fine art reproductions and photos.

A bright white coated cotton polyester stretchable canvas with rapid drying properties and great colour vibrancy.


Produce truly artistic quality prints with this coated cotton polyester matt canvas. Thanks to its bright white slightly textured surface and special coating prints are highly durable and water resistant when using pigmented inks.


This Indigo Inkjet Photo Canvas Bright White stretchable rapid drying canvas is perfect for framing photographic reproductions and interior advertising and is compatible with all aqueous based dye, pigment and UltraChrome K3 Inks from all leading manufacturers.


And to help meet the environmental objectives of your company and your clients this recyclable FSC certified paper supports responsible forest management worldwide.

Paper Weight & Sizes





